The law is an instrument for promoting sustainable relations and has the potential to create value for companies, individuals and societies in general

creative law
Creative rights cover all areas that affect both personal and business creation and all its manifestations, such as intellectual and industrial property, trade secrets and know-how.

The management, analysis and use of the data obtained from our presence and activity in the social media and on the Internet in general (our digital footprint) goes beyond the processing of personal data and can affect our fundamental rights.

Alternative Dispute Resolution
Legal proceedings are not the most efficient way of resolving disputes; other less confrontational approaches may be faster, cheaper and, above all, more satisfactory for the parties.

Proactive law is not a field of practice, but rather a way of understanding and practising law.
We at LAW21 focus on promoting and highlighting the factors that lead to success and we see law as an instrument to create value for our clients, strengthen their business relationships and identify and take advantage of opportunities.
This approach to law can be found in all our departments and services, although it is most evident in our contractual and business departments, where we seek solutions that help the parties foster stable and mutually satisfactory business relationships in which contracts serve as a guide for achieving the objectives for which they were initially signed.
Contract Law
We draw up contracts geared to our clients’ businesses, which stand as management tools for the parties to achieve their goals and succeed together.
Regulatory compliance in a broad sense and the establishment of standards of conduct and a corporate culture of compliance are essential to an organisation’s health.
Legal Design
We focus on the needs and experience of users of legal services, working with our clients to create better processes, documents and strategies.
Entrepreneurship Law
Law, technology, innovation and commitment.
We work with our clients to understand their idea, project and business and support them along every step of the way, always from a multidisciplinary perspective that allows us to plan and provide practical solutions that generate a legally secure environment in which our clients can develop their projects.
We have alliances with some of the key players in investments and venture capital to help our clients find financing and, eventually, ensure a solid, secure start-up.

Legal structuring of the start-up
The correct legal structure and related agreements are essential to avoiding internal problems that can lead to the frustration of a successful project.
Protection of intangible assets
The most important assets of any start-up are intangible; they have to be identified, documented and protected individually.
Growth and financing
Our knowledge of the sector and our alliances mean we can also help our clients in their recruitment and growth phases.

Creative Law cover all legal aspects that affect artistic, technical and entrepreneurial creation.
At LAW21, we apply a holistic approach to the creation process that covers the identification, promotion, materialisation, protection and exploitation of individual or corporate creation in any field. In addition, we apply it from the perspective of proactive law, collaborating with creators and companies to create value for our clients beyond merely protecting their intangible assets and artistic creations.
Intellectual Property
Intellectual property includes artistic and technical creation, but also software, databases and much of the material generated by a company. At LAW21, we help individual creators and companies of all sizes to protect, promote and monetise their intellectual creations.
Industrial Property
Industrial property includes mainly patents, trademarks, industrial designs and geographical indications, as well as trade secrets and know-how. Intangible assets of great value to companies that need to be properly identified, protected and managed.
Financing of the creation
Structuring and management of investment instruments (EIGs) in cultural production (film productions, audiovisual series and live performances of performing and musical arts) that allow the entry of private investors who obtain financial-fiscal and reputational benefits.
We want your project to succeed!
Our resources are geared towards our clients’ success in an environment of maximum legal security by providing practical, innovative solutions in keeping with business requirements.